The Senate Economic Development Committee is considering legislation with a wide range of provisions that would increase employer costs and limit employer rights. Although not yet introduced as official bills, the working drafts are available online.
The first draft, available by clicking here, would, among other provisions:
- include health insurance benefits in the definition of wages for the purposes of workers’ compensation, as well as requiring carriers to pay for translation services, allowing claimants to request medical case management services, and increasing penalties for late payments.
- require overtime pay to executive, administrative, and professional employees earning below a set salary threshold.
- require employers to pay out unused accrued vacation leave upon an employee’s separation from employment.
The second draft, available by clicking here, would:
- establish a good cause standard for termination of employment.
- restrict the use of noncompete agreements that prohibit individuals from competing with their former employers.
- create a right to sit in the workplace if standing is not required for performance of the job.
AIV opposes the provisions that will arbitrarily increase costs and limit employers’ ability to manage their workforce, and will be providing testimony. If you are interested in any of the provisions listed above, or other provisions in the underlying drafts, please contact us at for more information, updates, and options for engaging with the Legislature on your concerns.