Alert | Costly Changes to Workers’ Compensation, Wage and Hour Laws, and Other Employment Laws Under Consideration

The Senate Economic Development Committee is considering legislation with a wide range of provisions that would increase employer costs and limit employer rights. Although not yet introduced as official bills, the working drafts are available online. The first draft, available by clicking here, would, among other provisions: include health insurance benefits in the definition of […]

New Legislation of Interest to Vermont Employers

The following are bills recently introduced that might be of interest to Vermont employers.  Text and other information about a bill’s status are available by clicking on the linked bill number.  Note that official statements of purpose might not fully reflect the purpose or effect of the bill.  If “SHORT FORM” is noted, the text […]

New Legislation of Interest to Vermont Employers

The following are bills recently introduced that might be of interest to Vermont employers.  Text and other information about a bill’s status are available by clicking on the linked bill number.  Note that official statements of purpose might not fully reflect the purpose or effect of the bill.  If “SHORT FORM” is noted, the text […]