More than any other business association, AIV understands the economic importance of manufacturers of every type and size in providing the best wages, benefits, and opportunities for working Vermonters, as well as the greatest support for other economic sectors.
But Vermont manufacturers and their supporting businesses face serious challenges, from the everyday costs of operation, production, and commerce to the costs and restrictions of state and federal laws and regulations.
With AIV, however, you do not face these challenges alone or without a voice. AIV offers representation, information, and assistance that will help your company and make Vermont a healthier business environment.
We understand that business success and economic development require direct and serious engagement on state and federal policies that impact the fundamental bottom line and can make the difference in the affordability, viability, and sustainability of your Vermont operations.
The political and economic challenges facing Vermont manufacturers and other businesses are significant. But together, the members of AIV continue to make a difference. With your support and participation, we can make an even greater difference for you and for Vermont.

Effective representation on issues impacting you and the business community.
Best-in-state news and alerts keeping you up-to-date on critical developments.
Task forces and one-on-one meetings engaging you with decision makers.
Seminars and special events educating you on key business matters.
Staff assisting you directly and connecting the right people and resources to you.
Benefits and services continually under development.
Focused marketing and networking opportunities.
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