Additional Benefits for You and Your Employees
In addition to the benefits of representation, access, information, and education, AIV members can enjoy a growing list of benefits and cost-saving services.
Technical Assistance. AIV provides members with assistance in answering their company's policy, operational, regulatory, and related questions, either directly or by connecting you with the right sources. We can also help expedite assistance from state agencies.
Advertising and Networking. Members have access to a variety of venues for meeting and interacting with potential customers and providers, as well as a variety of affordable opportunities and media for advertising to AIV members and non-members, including our newsletter, outreach campaigns, seminars and meetings, and others.
Service and Support Connections. AIV is currently developing new programs for connecting members and key service and support providers from among Vermont's many business sectors seeking to strengthen their customer base in Vermont's manufacturing sector.

Effective representation on issues impacting you and the business community.
Best-in-state news and alerts keeping you up-to-date on critical developments.
Task forces and one-on-one meetings engaging you with decision makers.
Seminars and special events educating you on key business matters.
Staff assisting you directly and connecting the right people and resources to you.
Benefits and services continually under development.
Focused marketing and networking opportunities.
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