Information You Want and Need
Timely and useful information is critical to keep aware of and engaged on matters that impact your business.
AIV's News and Views is one of the longest running, most respected newsletters in Vermont, providing information and analysis on local, state, and national developments important to Vermont's industrial and business community.
Traditionally published weekly during the legislative session and as warranted during the rest of the year, we are posting the newsletter as a running blog with weekly content notices for members and guests.
In addition to News and Views, AIV issues action alerts on key legislative debates, public comment deadlines, and other time-sensitive matters. AIV also publishes occasional briefing papers and special reports.
AIV offers frequent interactive seminars for members and non-members to provide information and education on issues critical to employers. These seminars commonly cover human resource and regulatory issues, but can feature the full range of policy and operational matters. They feature peer presentations and interaction, as well as presentations by state officials and policy makers directly involved in the issues. As a result, AIV seminars provide members with the very best information and direct contact with relevant decision makers.

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Join our Vermont Manufacturing Network to stay in touch about news and events

Effective representation on issues impacting you and the business community.
Best-in-state news and alerts keeping you up-to-date on critical developments.
Task forces and one-on-one meetings engaging you with decision makers.
Seminars and special events educating you on key business matters.
Staff assisting you directly and connecting the right people and resources to you.
Benefits and services continually under development.
Focused marketing and networking opportunities.